... Project-X 19
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Small actions can have big impacts. That’s what we’re going for.

We’re a small group of people that just want to help. When the pandemic began, we felt the helplessness a lot of people are experiencing. So, we got together (responsibly socially distanced of course) and realised we could use our love of design to create impactful products that not only ease life in the new normal, but also give back to society.

10+ manufacturers, 9 uncompromising team members, 1 trip to the hospital and many sleepless nights later, we formed Project X-19.

We will direct a portion of the profits towards trustworthy, impactful causes which makes a real difference to those in hardest by the pandemic. It’s become a way for us to fight COVID-19 with our hearts as well as our minds.

We hope you’ll join us in supporting the fight.

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